Northampton Historic Preservation Society
Interpreting life in Northampton County, Virginia through the preservation of historical sites and educational programs.
Links to Resources
Genealogy Resources
The Miles Files
100’s of Families from the Eastern Shore, from Charlemagne to the early 1900’s
Help with finding ancestors.
Dedicated to the families and lovers of the Eastern Shore everywhere.
Where to find key records.
How to Make a Family Tree With Kids - How the entire family can work together to cre​ate a family tree and chart their extended family histor​y.​ilding-a-family-tree/
northampton.hosted.civiclive.c... (more)
You can download this interesting summary of Northampton County, VA Courts and Court Records in this 34-page book compiled by: Traci Johnson, Northampton County Circuit Court Clerk, Frances Bibbins Latimer, and Jean Mihalyka.
Northampton County Courthouse Square Historic District
Eastville Historic District
Map to Museums on the Eastern Shore
Each museum features a short overview with website information.
NHPS, Northampton Property History
Written by Frances Latimer in 1993
Enjoy the drawings by Katharine B. Pennebaker of homes located on Virginia's Eastern Shore. Courtesy of the Eastern Shore News and Eastern Shore Public Library
Organizations - National, VA, and Eastern Shore