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Join/Renew Your NHPS Membership By Mail OR By Using A Credit Card

You may use the button above (Pay Now)* to pay your membership fee by credit card using a PayPal account or scroll down to see the pay with credit card option.  You can also choose to  print the NHPS Membership Application form from the link provided above (Membership Application) and mail to: NHPS, P.O. Box 501, Eastville, VA 23347. 

*PayPal accepts credit cards whether you have a PayPal account or not. Please be sure to include your mailing address, email, and phone number when you fill out the PayPal form in the add information section. 

Annual Membership Levels:

$15 Students

$30 Individuals

$50 Family (residing in same household)

$100 Patron Membership


The membership dues cycle for NHPS runs from January 1 - December 31.

NHPS is a non-profit, charitable organization under paragraph 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code. All dues and donations are tax deductible in accordance with applicable IRS regulations.

Publication: The Northampton Branch of the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities  1913 - 2013

Learn about historic preservation efforts accomplished over the past century in Northampton County, Virginia through this booklet published by the Northampton Historic Preservation Society.

Use the "Pay Now" Membership/Booklet Button (above - scroll down using arrow key to "booklet - $15) or by sending a check for the booklet to the following address. Northampton Historic Preservation Society, P.O Box 501, Eastville, VA 23347.

Shipping is included in the $15 price. Be sure to include your address on your credit card order or place this information on a piece of paper sent with your check: Name, Address, Telephone, and Email.

Northampton Historic Preservation Society

P.O. Box 501

Eastville, VA 23347


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